Program Staff Participates on Peer Mediation Panel

On October 13, WJC Program Director Emily Linnemeier spoke on a panel as part of the 4th Annual Southern California Mediation Association (SCMA) Celebration of Peer Mediation. Over 100 people attended the event co-sponsored by the Institute for Nonviolence in Los Angeles.

The panel was put together and moderated by SCMA President Elect and ABCs of Conflict co-trainer Jason Harper. Emily talked about the support WJC provides to peer mediation programs through ABCs of Conflict, Haven, School Tools and the Peer Mediation Invitational. The two peer mediation program coordinators on the panel - Amber Ali from the LACBA Civic Mediation Project's program at Maclay Middle School in Pacoima, and Tracy Ishimaru from South Pasadena High School - both shared that they rely heavily on WJC resources and materials, including the high quality lessons and videos provided on, as they train their students and run their programs.