This summer we held two sessions of ABCs of Conflict, one from June 26-30 and the other from Aug. 7-10. Overall, 37 K-12 educators spent 30 hours learning from one another about analyzing conflict, communication skills that aid resolution, the process of mediation, and leading community-building circles. We also brought alumni from our Service-Learning Class at Los Angeles County High School for the Arts to bring to life scenes of bullying so the educators could offer and try out various prevention and intervention strategies. Participants received several resources to bring the lessons back to their students and schools.
Here is what a few of them had to say about the training:
“I really enjoyed the acting. It was a great way to keep us engaged. A lot of the time presentations are presented through powerpoint, so having physical demonstration of scenarios was great.”
“I find the curriculum and going through it most useful. I will implement it in the following school year for sure.”
“I will share all the information learned with my principal and will bring it to our parent and school community in general. Everything learned was equally important and inspiring and empowering.”