IVCLA Delegation Visit

WJC had another visit from an IVCLA delegation on July 18. Eight visitors from different African countries are traveling in the United States in order to learn about programs and initiatives that relate to their important work in building inter-religious ties and combating violent extremism among youth. WJC enjoyed providing the with a 3.5 hour training showcasing some of the material from ABCs of Conflict.

Successful Finish of the free 2016 ABCs of Conflict Sessions

Successful Finish of the free 2016 ABCs of Conflict Sessions

WJC recently finished the last of two sessions of ABCs of Conflict, one from June 20-24 and the other July 11-15. Over 25 dedicated educators participated in each 30-hour training, learning conflict resolution skills, practicing mediation, engaging in bullying prevention/intervention strategies, and participating in community-building circles. They left ready to bring their new skills back to their campuses, and we look forward to aiding them as they work to improve their school climates.

WJC Participates in the Inaugural Session of Just the Beginning Summer Legal Institute

During the week of June 27, WJC worked with the Center for Conflict Resolution at Loyola Law School to provide conflict resolution and negotiation training to high school students at the inaugural session of the Just the Beginning Summer Legal Institute in Los Angeles. Diverse and dynamic high school students from throughout the county applied to attend the Institute. At the negotiation competition, a few WJC volunteers helped to judge negotiation pairs and provide them with constructive feedback.