2017 Annual Report

2017 was a year marked by rising tides of divisiveness, racism, homophobia, and sexism. If you supported Western Justice Center in 2017, YOU made your position clear by contributing to civility, inclusiveness, and justice. You helped train hundreds of local educators to create more safe and welcoming campuses. You helped a class of high school arts students empower themselves as agents of change. You helped 150 local students hone their skills as Peer Mediators. Each one of our program participants creates waves of positive change around them and it all starts with you.

Please take a look at our 2017 annual report for more details on our work last year. Every day we are inspired to push our work, reaching out to more participants, and with more innovative ideas. We hope you take this opportunity to amplify your impact by donating below and continue to make a difference in the lives of these educators and students.

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